Denver, CO
See the Trust Center


  • Palantir needed to be able to proactively demonstrate its industry-leading security posture to its enterprise buyers and customers


  • Palantir relies on its relationship with Schellman to deliver professional, streamlined security audits
  • The company built a SafeBase Trust Center to house all of its security documentation and information and keep it up to date
  • The Palantir Trust Center is shared with prospective buyers proactively


  • The company's new approach to security reviews has shifted from manual and reactive to proactive and streamlined
  • The Palantir Trust Center is a "huge time saver" for the company's internal teams
  • Palantir's team says the Trust Center sends a strong message about how seriously the company takes security

Palantir is a storied leader of Silicon Valley. Its analytics platforms power some of the world’s most important, high-visibility organizations and agencies, including the National Health Service (NHS) and the U.S. Department of Defense. Palantir’s partnerships with its customers require integrating massive amounts of sensitive data, which Palantir’s technology analyzes to help these organizations make mission-critical decisions.

The security of customers’ data is Palantir’s number one priority. The organization’s leaders hold the highest possible bar for cybersecurity, a fact known across the technology industry. 

“Our platforms and our applications are intrinsic to the core, most secure, restricted information our customers have,” said John Isgro, Compliance Engineer at Palantir. “They’re trusting us to analyze, hold and process this data – and the level of trust there has to be very high. Part of that is the vetting process our customers do during the sales cycle, where they’re making sure to do their due diligence.”

As Palantir has set the bar for cybersecurity, it also takes a visionary approach to communicating its security posture with customers, prospective buyers, and its market. This is established through a combination of partnerships with leading cybersecurity auditor Schellman and with SafeBase, the foremost Trust Center provider. Palantir’s leadership believes that this crucial combination reflects the company’s commitment to security, as well as its uncompromising focus on the buyer experience.

“It is the top priority for us to not only have best-in-class security, but also to portray that to our clients so they understand it,” said Andrew Burchett, Enterprise Accounts Executive at Palantir. “It’s very much built into how we talk about our software, our platform, our internal processes – it’s always there. It’s something we take very seriously and our clients do as well.”

A strong partnership for audit and assessments

Palantir leverages a long-standing partnership with Schellman to deliver its cybersecurity audits and assessments, including SOC 2, ISO, and FedRAMP. Schellman’s deep understanding of the cybersecurity space, and attention to the nuances of Palantir’s business, allow Palantir to professionally reflect the high bar it has set for cybersecurity. 

“The reports and auditing that we go through with Schellman paints a really good picture of our commitment to security and generally speeds up the procurement process,” said John. 

The auditing firm’s focus on transparency, experience, and reporting has meant a smooth process for the team at Palantir.

“It’s been a great interaction, super professional, in the process of working through the drafting of reports, whether it be from audit collection, evidence, to any kinds of follow-ups we’ve had,” said John. “It’s always been a clean, smooth process all the way around.”

Demonstrating security with confidence using a Trust Center

Once Palantir receives its third-party assessments and certifications, it’s critical that buyers and customers have access to this information in a manner that reflects the seriousness with which it approaches security. For this, Palantir relies on a SafeBase Trust Center.

Like most technology organizations, Palantir had historically taken a manual approach to buyer security reviews and questionnaires, answering questions ad hoc and across a variety of transmission types. As the organization grew, its security and sales leaders recognized that this reactive approach wouldn’t scale with the business.

With its SafeBase Trust Center, Palantir is able to aggregate and organize all of its security documentation, artifacts, and information in a “crisp, clean” hub. The Palantir Trust Center is sent to prospective buyers proactively during the sales cycle, using one “magic” link that allows buyers to self-serve the documentation they need on their own time. 

Facilitated by an integration with Salesforce, this technology streamlines the buyer security review for Palantir’s various teams, saving them significant time on each and every sales cycle. The Palantir team has control over and visibility into who has access to what documentation, eliminating the back-and-forth communications that are emblematic of the traditional security questionnaire process. 

“It’s been a huge time saver for us. With SafeBase, instead of having to manually go through each individual answer, you can up-front provide a customer and their due diligence teams with documentation, whether it be our SOC 2 report or CAIQ,” said John. “They can review the information and come to their own conclusions [without manual work for Palantir]. The more we can provide a customer with information ahead of time that they’re looking to see, the better.”

To-date, Palantir’s Trust Center has been viewed tens of thousands of times, as prospective buyers self-serve the information they need. More than 3,500 documents have been downloaded in the past year alone. The partnership with SafeBase has also been applauded by Palantir’s buyers, for whom the security review and questionnaire process can also often feel tedious.  

“Buyers appreciate having everything they need to review in one place and they don’t have to go through a lot of different attachments or links or emails,” said John. “It’s all just in one link. They appreciate that it makes it easier on their end to review things.”

Telling the right security story 

Through its partnerships with Schellman and SafeBase, Palantir is a forerunner when it comes to demonstrating its security posture to its growing buyer base. The combination sends a clear message to prospective buyers, customers, and the market that for Palantir, security is paramount. 

SafeBase is the leading Trust Center Platform designed for friction-free security reviews. With an enterprise-grade Trust Center, SafeBase automates the security review process and transforms how companies communicate their security and trust posture. 

If you want to see how fast-growing companies like LinkedIn, Asana, and Jamf take back the time their teams spend on security questionnaires, create better buying experiences, and position security as the revenue-driver it is, schedule a demo.